Quick Question
Instantly validate waiting lists and free up capacity at the touch of a button

Set up a question for thousands of patients in less than 5 minutes.
Pre-set different outcomes based on patient responses securely recorded on the DrDoctor Patient Portal.
Within 20 minutes we had the necessary responses to successfully fill this clinic following confirmation of the patient’s availability.
Booking Team, Guy's and St. Thomas's
Tangible benefits
Get immediate responses
Patients are engaged and up to date with their care. 90% of all responses come within the first 48 hours.
Flexible communication
The practical uses are limitless; from waiting list validation to replacing daily check-in phone calls and follow ups.
Get started immediately
Quick Question requires no integration. Start asking questions by the next working day.
Get visibility on non-responders
Receive responses digitally and manage risk by nominating a response timeframe for patients.
Powerful features
Automate next steps
Pre-set different outcomes depending on patient responses.
Low friction for patients
Patients do not need a login to respond to questions ensuring a superior patient experience.
Join up your systems
Quick Question enables technology uptake. Record patient responses in your PAS for remote consultation preferences.

Quick Question
Download our one-pager to see how easy it is to validate your waiting lists.
DrDoctor Sound Bites
Episode 2: Quick Question
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